Successful Entrepreneurs, Executives, AND Their Families Think Different By Investing With Different Investments™!


Helping Successful Entrepreneurs invest beyond their business!
If there was one group of individuals with a set of constantly changing daily demands that operates under extreme stress most of the time it would have to be the American Entrepreneur. With the average business’s failure rate after five years being over 50% it is no surprise why so many people are scared to take the leap of faith to start a business. For those who are lucky enough to succeed and make it beyond their fifth, or even tenth year, in business their attention is usually focused in the business and participating in their family – when they have the time. This is why many entrepreneurs delegate so many of their tasks to those they trust.
Different Investments™ was created specifically to help entrepreneurs evaluate highly lucrative, and appropriate, investment opportunities. While the entrepreneur is focused on building and managing their business our portfolio team will focus on growing their wealth by uncovering their required rate of return in order to evaluate “one off” alternative investment projects and actively manage their liquid investments.
In the end, our entrepreneur clients, and family, can confidently entrust their investment portfolio with our experts.
Supporting Hard Working Executives invest for their future!
While all entrepreneurs are executives, all executives are not entrepreneurs – although they have many similarities. Many executives are responsible for running divisions within a larger organization which could be thought of as running a business within a larger business. They have to fight for resources, hire and manage team members, create value within their division – and across the larger firm, meet firm deadlines, and so much more. Aspiring, and current, executives tend to invest a lot of their time building other people’s businesses which unfortunately means they have less time to focus on their personal, or family’s, needs.
Different Investments™ supports executives with evolving investment management goals using a curated and proprietary research process. This allows our team to look for investments that meet our client’s particular risk-adjusted needs. While we cannot find every diamond we believe our research process and capital market assumptions allow our investment strategies to seek optimal investments.
At Different Investments™ we do not sit back and wait for opportunities to come to us. We are hunting for new ideas..always!


Active Management Leads To Active Return!
Investing in today’s world seems to be a game for robots as the use of artificial intelligence and Robo Advisors are in high demand. Yet the value these technologies purport to offer is predominately rooted in systematic rebalancing and broad diversification. So what “uniqueness” do these strategies actually offer the intelligent investor who is trying to build an investment strategy for the future? In our opinion, none.
At Different Investments™ we believe investing for the future is a process – one that takes skill, will, and time. This is why we incorporate the principles of financial planning and analysis into how we construct investment portfolios. It is our belief that without a clearly defined plan, building a sound investment strategy is akin to throwing darts at the business section of the newspaper. Sure a couple might find their way to a few diamonds in the rough, but it is not a strategy you want to base your future on.
When Harry Markowitz hypothesized the Modern Portfolio Theory he did so with the belief that asset allocation and diversification were two of the central tenants that explain how a portfolio of traditional asset classes will perform. At Different Investments™ we decided to build on this concept by including different alternative investment strategies with traditional asset classes to help manage portfolio volatility. These alternative strategies can include, but are not limited to, managed futures funds, master limited partnerships funds, real estate investment funds, long short funds, global macro funds, commodity funds, hedged strategy funds, and market neutral income funds. However, expanding our investment methodology to include alternative investment funds was not enough.
Since our team does not subscribe to the “buy and hold” methodology, due to the historical proof that an investment’s purpose and characteristics can change over time, we wanted to couple a more expansive list of investments with an active management approach; which is why we screen over 20,000 investments every year and track over 500 investments monthly.
With an expansive investment list and an active management approach we focus on creating a client’s personal rate of return. To do this our team will evaluate a client’s resources and future goals, understand how much portfolio volatility their plan can accept, and most importantly, how much time is needed to attain their desired goal.
Taking this approach helps our clients understand what their required rate of return needs to be, and how much portfolio risk they need to accept. If their required return is higher than historical averages which in turn requires them to accept more risk than they are comfortable with, then this allows our team to set appropriate expectations with the client as they pursue their goals.

Our Services
For decades investors, analysts, and pundits have debated over active versus passive investing. Passive supporters believe indexing and low cost investments are superior while active supporters boast predictive modeling and high frequency trading gives them an edge over the market. At Different Investments™ we prefer to take a different approach.
Different Investments™ is a boutique investment firm created to combine active investment management with private placement strategies in the pursuit of an optimal return across a client’s entire portfolio. Our team of analysts are experts in the following areas:
- Active Portfolio Management
- Tactical & Fundamental Research
- Private Equity & Private Debt Strategies
- Hedge Fund Research
- Real Estate Investing
- Energy: Oil, Gas, & Clean
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